Individual Juggling Routine

Individual Juggling Routine

The Individual Juggling Routine is designed to augment in-person training sessions and improve a player’s touch through consistent, progressive juggling that can be performed at home and with limited space.

There are three levels of the Individual Juggling Routine: - Introduction, Fundamental, Advanced

Introduction: Designed to introduce players to juggling. This Routine is designed for players who are unable to consistently juggle the ball more than 10 times.

Fundamental: Designed to improve upon a basic foundation of juggling. This routine is designed for players who can juggle the ball consistently more than 10 times but cannot juggle the ball consistently more than 100 times.

Advanced: Designed to challenge a player who can already juggle very well. This routine is designed for players who can consistently juggle the ball more than 100 times.

**Note that any time we juggle, we want to make sure that we are controlling the ball, rather than the ball controlling us. This is why, when we juggle, we always want to mark out a per-determined space for us to stay in while juggling (for example, a 2ft x 2ft box on the ground, or a line on the ground).

**A link to videos explaining how to perform each move can be found below Links to instructional videos:

Introduction Juggling Routine

Requirement: Player is unable to juggle the ball 10 times consistently.

The Introduction Juggling Routine is designed to introduce players to juggling. This is done through controlled juggling with slow progression.


  1. Hold the ball in your hands.
  2. Drop the ball to your foot, and kick the ball back into your hands.
  3. Perform this 10 times with the right foot and 10 times with the left foot
  1. Hold the ball in your hands.
  2. Drop the ball to your foot, juggle the ball twice, using both feet, then kick the ball back into
  3. your hands.
  4. Perform this 10 times starting with the right foot and 10 times starting with the left foot
  1. Hold the ball in your hands.
  2. Drop the ball to your foot, juggle the ball three times, alternating feet, then kick the ball back
  3. into your hands.
  4. Perform this 10 times starting with the right foot and 10 times starting with the left foot

1. Repeat, increasing the number of juggles by 1 until you reach 10

Try to spend at least 10 minutes per day working on this juggling routine. If you get to the point where 1 juggle and 2 juggles are too easy for you, begin the routine with the number of juggles that is challenging for you and continue to work your way up to 10 juggles.

Fundamental Juggling Routine

For players who can consistently juggle more than 10 times but are unable to

consistently juggle more than 100 times

The Fundamental Juggling Routine is designed to improve upon a basic foundation of juggling. This is done by increasing the number of juggles, and introducing different parts of the body to juggle with.


  1. Perform 100 juggles with your feet. If you drop the ball, the count will restart at the last interval of 10. For example, if I am at 56 juggles and I drop the ball, I would restart at 50 juggles.
  2. Perform 50 juggles with the knees. If you drop the ball, the count will restart at the last interval of 5. For example, if I am at 14 juggles and I drop the ball, I would restart at 10 juggles.
  3. Perform 30 juggles with the head. If you drop the ball, the count will restart at the last interval of 3. For example, if I am at 8 juggles and I drop the ball, the count will restart at 6 juggles.

Track the time that it takes to complete this workout to track your progress.

Advanced Juggling Routine

The player is able to juggle the ball consistently over 100 times.

The Advanced Juggling Routine is designed to challenge a player who can already juggle very well. This is done by introducing 2 touch juggling and focusing on juggling with different parts of the foot.


  1. Juggle the ball 250 times, keeping the ball below the knee
  2. Juggle the ball 250 times, keeping the ball above the knee
  3. Juggle the ball 250 times, keeping the ball below the knee, using 2 touch juggling
  4. Juggle the ball 250 times, keeping the ball above the knee, using 2 touch juggling

2 Touch Juggling: Hit the ball twice with the foot before alternating to the opposite foot. The first touch should be lighter, to control the ball, and the second one should be slightly harder, to pop the ball up to the other foot.

Track the number of times the ball drops during this routine to track your progress.

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